Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just a short message to Facebook lightweights...

This isn't exactly a meaningful post to most of you, but it just irks me lately how Facebook users are so easily used lately on Facebook by those god damn javascripts. So, this is basically a bit of a rant post.

First of all, people, do NOT EVER go to a website and copy/paste something into your address bar that has "javascript:" at the start. Basically, this is saying to the browser "execute this javascript right here in this page." And in the case of Facebook, the executed script is most likely one of those things that will post on your friends' walls, chat up your friends advertising crap, and it may even steal your account information.

One of the recent outbursts of this kind of situation occured last night when I saw tons of my friends fall for the trick after visiting a webpage that claimed that if you "added this code to your address bar and hit enter, the dislike button on Facebook would be activated." That is bull sh*t.

If Facebook MADE AN OFFICIAL DISLIKE BUTTON, why the hell would they have you go to an external, non-affiliated website and have you paste an anonymous script into your browser? How dumb can you get? I mean come on.

Welp, sorry for that rant... I just had to say it.


  1. haha, yeah. Some people are just idiots.

  2. lol there's a reason I stay away from Facebook XD but that's just common sense

  3. This happens to my friends all the time... Sadly there is no Dislike button...

  4. Facebook's to addictive man :(

  5. Thank you so much for posting this I am sick of getting spam from peoples accounts.

  6. It amazes me how bad some people are with computers and the internet. We need to spread this info

  7. to trick hopeful careless or drunk people

  8. Facebook is becoming facepalm so quickly.

  9. facebook sucks i hardly use it

  10. Anyway, cloud computing is not the future!

  11. wow i guess you should inform a bit more about that matter if so many people fall for these tricks

  12. Lol i fell for a java script, i dont understand how i could fall for it...i was kinda drugged up though on percs and thought the command was good

  13. good to know man

  14. People are stupid, what do you expect?

  15. You are so not alone on this...I am so tired of that. LOL But yeah, people are stupid or just inexperienced with these things. It's no surprise that they're caught so easily.

  16. couldn't agree more. following!

  17. Facebook had a quick spike. I just see so many people getting over it.

  18. Wheres my damn dislike button!?!?!?!??

  19. Lol for the dislike button

  20. haha people need to use more common sense

  21. Yeah people are always falling for stuff on facebook

    "omg i got a virus"

    No, you just fucked up lol

  22. Ah... Kids these days that know nothing about the internet and how it works... I pity them.

  23. your rant is totally justified dude- i really hate all the video links that end up posted on my wall from crap like that

  24. Lol idiots. I use the dislike.exe app program from rapidshare.
